Resume Writing for the Job SeekerUpon completing your Certificate IV in Training and Assessment or other Vocational Training and Assessment Course, many students ask the question… “Now what?” If you are not already employed, creating a standout resume is the best bet at giving you the edge in today tough job market.For your convenience I have created a sample resume below, basically a ‘fill in the blanks’ for job seeking students.TIPS & TRICKSKeep your resume to two pages (three max!)
Spell check, spell check, spell check (and proof read) – grammatical errors are not acceptable
The real opportunity is within the cover letter so highlight your biggest achievements there
Keep the front plain and pages spaced
Without ‘resume padding’ put forward the best version of youPERSONAL DETAILSYour personal details should always come first and include:NameAddressPhoneEmail (make sure its professional)CAREER OBJECTIVEA brief sentence outlining what you want from your prospective job.EDUCATION AND TRAININGIt is important to only list relevant education and training. Also, if you have the room list one unit you undertook that is related to your prospective job.2011 – 2012Name of Qualification (i.e. Certificate IV in Training and Assessment)Name of Training InstitutionPossible put in the name of one of the units you have studied and make reference to how it effects a job capability.Additionally, to show you are prepared take certified copies of qualifications for interviews.EMPLOYMENT HISTORYYou should always list your employment history with the most recent presented first. Usually only the previous five years or so is listed – unless you have been in positions for significant time. Conversely, if you have had many jobs, include the most relevant.Dates employedJob titleOrganisation’s nameMain tasks and responsibilitiesSKILLS AND COMMUNITY WORKParticularly list community work if it is work experience or adds to the role you are applying for. Only list skills specific to the job – this does include generic skills!TRAINING AND EDUCATION ACHIEVEMENTSParticularly relevant in sales positions – include anything that will make you stand out from your peers (for example Key Performance Indicator results)REFEREESReferees should be listed last on the resume – make sure you have their approval before listing them to speak on behalf of you.NameJob titleOrganisationContact phoneContact emailThis is a simple ‘fill in the blanks’ style resume for the prospective job hunters out there.If anyone has any tips or ideas that I have left out remember to post them as a comment below! And if you are one of our students who have finished their course, congratulations and good luckRead more on Vocational Education and Training courses.